Vietcong Fist Alpha Vietcong Purple Haze Vietcong 2


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Available Maps for VC1: 1829

[MCF] Binh Thien

Binh Thien
[MCF] Bidi
This is my new custom map. Big light jungle map.
Game :
Mode ATG Pilotev
The pilot and your team must return to the LZ before the time set is over. Use your map to find the LZ.
ATG Bomb
The US must destroy the AA Gun before the time set is over and the Vietcong must defend it. Use your map to find the AA Gun.
Us Team versus VC Team. Remain as many as possible.
Death Match Classic, choose your weapon at the beginning of the round and kill everything that moves.
Capture The Flag, go and steal the enemy flag and bring it back to your base. Use your map to spot the flags.
Cooperative Mode, clean up the map of all VC. Beware of the prowling patrols.

• Uploaded 07.11.2006 [MCF]Bidi • Size 31.39 Mb
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