Vietcong Fist Alpha Vietcong Purple Haze Vietcong 2


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Available Maps for VC1: 1829

[AT]Towers In Haze

[AT]Towers In Haze
Coop map for VC1 created by Vaclav, Alpha Team,

This is a remake of !ADF!Tempelfight map by N3M3$1$.

The Vietcong is reputedly building a secret base in the ruins of ancient temple. Probably there is an underground storage in that area. Kill the all enemies in the base and try to find the mentioned storage.

Coop - 10 players, 53 VCs

Note: The long ladder is usable in both (up and down) directions, in contrast to the original map (it wasnt possible to get down there).

• Uploaded 21.08.2008 • Size 9.63 Mb
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