Vietcong Fist Alpha Vietcong Purple Haze Vietcong 2


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Available Maps for VC1: 1829


Oasis, 20 game modes:
ATG4X4 (with bots)
CTF4X4 (with bots)
Colt (dm with only colts)
Colt_Pilot (Colt but only uspilot selectable)
DMC (DeathMatch Classic)
DMC- (DeathMatch Classic, no weapons in the map)
DMCA (DeathMatch Classic with All classes)
DMCA (DeathMatch Classic with All classes and no weapons on the ground)
DM-Pilot (DM only uspilot selectable)
LMS (Last Man Standing)
Rambo (DM with only heavy machineguns :) )
TDMC (Team Death Match Classic)
TDMC- (Team DeathMatch Classic no guns in map)
TDMCA (Team DeathMatch Classic All classes)
TDMCA- (Team DeathMatch Classic All classes no weapons in map)
TDM4X4 (Team DeatMatch with 4 bots on each side:) )

There are medikits, medibags and ammocrates in the map and also (if you can find them) some zb37 machineguns. If you can find the secret passage you also find a gunshop and a snipertower...
But whatever you do, don't touch the deadly stone in the water.....
Tip: pick radioman and call an airstrike in a deathmatch (dmca)game using the detailed handmap... : )

• Uploaded 01.05.2006 Puerco • Size 11.32 Mb
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