Vietcong Fist Alpha Vietcong Purple Haze Vietcong 2


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[VCG] Arroyo

the normal Arroyo with changed Flag Points in CTF mode
ATG - 64 Players
ATGBUS - 64 Players (ATG BOMB US)
ATGBVC - 64 Players (ATG BOMB VC)
ATGC - 64 Players (ADM, no weapons on map)
ATGP - 64 Players (ATG PILOT)
CHILL - 30 Players
CTF - 64 Players
DMC - 64 Players
RW - 64 Players
DMP - 64 Players (DM, no weapons on map)
TDMC - 64 Players
TDMP - 64 Players (TDM, no weapons on map)

• Uploaded 06.08.2011 VCG freddy • Size 4.27 Mb
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