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LM Auto Kicker

#Copy and paste all files from this directory to your game folder
#You have to define a path to the vcded.exe (server) in conf.ini
#Set the correct server port in the conf.ini (default is 5425)
#You can define admin ip also in conf.ini

#Make sure you have VC Guard downloaded
#If not, here is a download link:

#How it works
#This tool reads bad and insulting words and doing the follow: warn, kick and then ban player if he does not stop with bad words
#Firstly run the server and then Auto-Kicker.exe
#Our goal is to stop toxic players from bad behaviour and make the gaming better for everyone

#You can text me on Discord #LM0345 or my web site Vietcong.LM // Vietcong with LM

#Maded by LM

• Uploaded 13.04.2023 LM • Size 383.73 Kb
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